Thursday, March 19, 2020

Get with the (Teen) Programming

teens holding up blank speech and thought bubbles over their faces

Nine ways to drive teen turnout-and four ways to lose their attention

A review of a recent School Library Journal article by Karen Jensen.

Are you looking for what is working with teens and which programs are not? Karen Jensen lists what works and what falls short in her article about teen programming. Jensen talks about the importance of the value of programming for our teens. She asks questions about what they need, want, and value. According to Jensen, this is the best starting point for developing meaningful, effective initiatives.

What Works

1. Opportunities for Self-expression
2. Pop Culture Tie-ins
3. Escape Rooms
4. Maker Programs
5. Gaming
6. Trivia Events
7. Life-size Games
8. More Nostalgia
9. Food

What Falls Short

1. Book Clubs
2. Lectures
3. No Personal Choice
4. Anything School Like

Jensen’s full article is available in the ProQuest Database. Access it at

Jensen, Karen. 2019. "Get with the Programming: Nine Ways to Drive Teen Turnout— and Four Ways to Lose their Attention." School Library Journal 65 (12) (12): 24.