Thursday, July 30, 2020

Web tools: build your summer reading with READsquared

READsquared for South Dakota Libraries. Mom and young boy with open book

READsquared can help you build your summer reading participation and more!

The SD State Library has made the READsquared online reading program software available to all of South Dakota’s public libraries.

The software allows librarians to manage summer reading programs online. Library users can register for library programs and track reading goals through an app that can be used on mobile devices.

READsquared will be available year-round and can be used for hosting book clubs, winter reading programs and 1000 Books before Kindergarten. The app’s many functions include the ability to host games & contests, award prizes, and recommend book titles from the library’s collections. We hope you’ll add this to your library’s programming toolbox.

Read what SD librarians say about READsquared:

“Thanks to the READSquared app, our patrons - especially our usually non-participating adults and teens - have really thrown themselves into the summer reading program. Our 54 current participants - we allow registrations throughout the program and usually end the summer with around 200 patrons participating - have already read almost 12,000 minutes and completed a number of missions and projects within the app's framework. We are hopeful that access to this app with provide our patrons with new and interesting ways to interact with the library in the months and years to come.”

--Megan Eggers, Library Director, Piedmont Valley Library

“Thanks for making READsquared possible. It has made virtual Summer Reading a pretty fabulous event this year. We appreciate the idea and the support. Thank you."

--Cyndie Harlan, Director Hearst Library, Lead, SD

"I am loving the new ReadSquared!!!"

--Melissa Hutmacher, Library Director, Cozard Memorial Library, Chamberlain

Funding for READsquared is made possible by the federal CARES Act through the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the South Dakota State Library.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

100,000 summer readers in 2020

This year the South Dakota State Library challenges libraries to reach 100,000 participants! The past few years, the summer reading participation number has been close to 100,000, but we have not yet reached this milestone.

Join South Dakota Library Summer Reading Programs to reach our goal of 100K summer readers for 2020 #SDSummerReading2020

Due to social distancing this summer, tracking participation can be challenging. Check out the added questions about live programming, recorded programming and remote activities. Grow your library's participation numbers and help us reach our goal by following this link:

Join us and take a book selfie of yourself or share summer reading activities your library patrons are completing and share on social media with #SDSummerReading2020. Spread the word about our goal on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Plan a 100,000 celebration when we reach our goal!

Thank you to the following libraries that are regularly using the #SDSummerReading2020 hashtag!

Gregory Public Library
Centerville Community Library
Facebook | YouTube

Deubrook Community Library

Doland School & Sherwood Memorial City Library
Facebook | Instagram

Custer County Library
Facebook | Instagram

Phoebe Apperson Hearst Library, Lead

Vermillion Public Library

Thursday, July 16, 2020

SD State Library migrates to new library catalog ILS

New integrated library system for the South Dakota State Library: Auto-Graphic’s VERSO

The South Dakota State Library migrated its records to a new integrated library system (ILS), Auto-Graphic’s VERSO, on June 29, 2020. SDSL began using the new system for circulation in early July.

Welcome to the catalog of the South Dakota State Library

Users will notice that VERSO looks and searches much like South Dakota Share-It.

VERSO was designed with a graphical interface using HTML5 web technology. VERSO’s user interface highlights search results with large and informative cover images and graphic design features. VERSO provides intuitive navigation, utilizing familiar web cues, and a “wizard-like”advanced search screen, using filters and prompts modeled from popular search engines.

Search results can be clustered and displayed to present all formats of a title in a single FRBR-like display. VERSO employs innovative, attention-grabbing display techniques such as Cover Flow showcase book jacket display, as well as an enhanced drag-and-drop functionality to library users’ personal lists. Patrons may manage their accounts and modify their own user experience through “My Lists” and “My Account” customization options. VERSO’s discovery engine provides a central point of control for patrons to search, manage and share their library information.

As a web-based system, and like South Dakota Share-It, VERSO is best accessed using Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox would be the next best choice, while Microsoft Edge will also work. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

Search the new SDSL catalog at

If you are considering automating your library collection for the first time or maybe switching to a new product, the SD State Library has compiled information at

Contact for more information.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

New databases now available

Applied Science & Technology Source

This database offers a diverse array of full-text and indexed content covering the full spectrum of the applied sciences and computing disciplines — from acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear engineering. Applied Science & Technology Source was developed through a merger of high-quality databases from EBSCO and H.W. Wilson and includes many unique full-text journals not previously available in any other database.

EBSCO Open Dissertations

EBSCO Open Dissertations is a free database with records for more than 1.2 million electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. It is a collaboration between EBSCO and BiblioLabs to increase traffic and discoverability of ETD research. You can join the movement and add your theses and dissertations to the database, making them freely available to researchers everywhere while increasing traffic to your institutional repository.

European views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750

European Views of the Americas: 1493 to 1750 is a free archive of indexed publications related to the Americas and written in Europe before 1750. It includes thousands of valuable primary source records covering the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples. It represents a wide range of topics, from the British/French/Dutch in America to natural disasters, religious orders, slavery and more.

Newspaper Source

Newspaper Source provides cover-to-cover full text for hundreds of national (U.S.), international and regional newspapers. In addition, it offers television and radio news transcripts from major networks. Newspaper Source can be accessed via EBSCOhost or Explora, EBSCO's dedicated interface for schools and public libraries.

World Politics Review

This unique database provides uncompromising analysis of critical global trends to give academics, policymakers and businesspeople the context they need to have the confidence they want. The content is much more current than that found in leading international affairs academic journals, without compromising quality.

Find some grants for your library dreams

Thinking about finding some grant funding?

During the recent Small, Rural, and Independent Libraries mini-conference, Stephanie Gerding presented a terrific 30 minute session on Winning Grants for Small & Rural Libraries. You can view the recording at

With the pandemic, some libraries may be facing budget cuts, or maybe you have a wish list of things and you'd like to seek grant funding. Stephanie offers great advice and highlights some of the following resources.

Here are a couple of recorded webinars from Candid:

  • Introduction to Finding Grants YouTube
  • Introduction to Fundraising Planning YouTube

The SD State Library has a grants information guide at We also provide access to the Foundation Directory Online Professional grants database. And don't forget, due to the pandemic, FREE access to the Foundation Directory Online Essential grants database is available through August 31st. See the information at, Grants Database tab under E-Resource Information.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Database Update: Sources in U.S. History

Walker, Jonathan. Trial and imprisonment of Jonathan Walker at Pensacola, Florida, for aiding slaves to escape from bondage : with an appendix, containing a sketch ... Boston, 1850. 124pp. Sources in U.S. History Online: Slavery in America.

Database vendor Gale will release an enhanced user experience for their Sources in U.S. History Online series this summer. As part of these enhancements, your archives will now be available as part of Archives Unbound along with all the rich contextual materials currently included in the archives. This will affect the following resources: 
  • Sources in US History Online: The American Revolution 
  • Sources in US History Online: The Civil War 
  • Sources in US History Online: Slavery in America 
Benefits of the new user experience include: 
  • Enhanced product platform— A modern look and feel, in line with user expectations of modern websites. 
  • Improved Accessibility— Maintained for Web Accessibility standards to ensure access by users of all abilities. 
  • Smarter search results—New interface will retain legal search fields and Advanced Search limiters. It will also include new features, such as new filtering options in search results and Name and Subject Expansion, which looks for pseudonyms and synonyms of your search term. 
  • Streamlined user interface—The new UI will be consistent with other Gale products and will deliver an engaging experience that allows quick access to search tools, relevant content, and collaborative features like Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. 
  • Secure product access—Guarantees the use of HTTPS protocol to ensure that data between a patron’s browser and Gale products is encrypted, and the right to privacy for library users is protected. 
These enhancements for Sources in U.S. History Online are scheduled to release on July 31, 2020. 

Questions? Contact