Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Federal Document of the Month

A parade of presidents colorfully line our federal document shelves. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States is a collection of public papers containing the President's daily schedule, messages, remarks, and statements to Executive Orders. The State Library's physical collection begins with President Herbert Hoover, ending with the first book of President Barack Obama. More recent titles can be accessed online at

Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States

photo of shelves at the South Dakota State Library.

GS 4.113:

open book of Gerald Ford, 1975 edition. Features color photo of President Ford.

With our rural nature, South Dakota is often a 'flyover' state for POTUS. According to South Dakota Public Broadcasting, President McKinley visited in 1898 with sixteen presidents following suit. It is a curiosity of holding a volume, paging through and reading words by influential people of their time.

To read from where you recline, visit:

The SD State Library is a federal depository library and provides access to print and electronic federal government publications. Print publications are available via interlibrary loan. Electronic publications are linked from the state library online catalog.