Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Cornerstone Newsletter - A message from the Webmaster

Coming Soon: SDSL Cornerstone will have a new home. Change is Hard but Change is Good. H Rollins.

Very soon you will see that we are changing platforms for our newsletter. Currently we are using Blogspot, and while it has done well for us for years, the team has agreed an upgrade is in order. 

So, we've settled on Smore. Starting next month, we hope you'll enjoy the new look and feel of our newsletter. *

We are keeping our archives (back through 2016) here on Blogspot. We also share out our posts every week on social media, and we plan to continue that practice as well. 

We are also transferring your email subscriptions from the old platform to the new. Emails should be transferred over, but if you do not receive the next post from Smore, you can sign up for the newsletter at Smore by emailing myself, Wynne.Sayer@state.sd.us, or Cheyenne Chontos, Cheyenne.Chontos@state.sd.us and we will put you on the mailing list.

I am aware that there has been some issues with the email subscriptions for the past couple months, and I am hoping that will be fixed with this move. 

If you have any comments or questions about this change, please feel free to email myself, Wynne.Sayer@state.sd.us, and Cheyenne Chontos, Cheyenne.Chontos@state.sd.us. 

*updated Sept 2, 2021: added link to next issue: SDSL's Cornerstone Newsletter | Smore